Making Tax Less Taxing

We help individuals, businesses, and trusts be tax compliant.



We understand that no matter which industry you are in, as a freelancers, you often feel this way about tax…

  1. Complex Tax Regulations: Freelancers often struggle with understanding and keeping up with constantly changing tax laws and regulations, leading to confusion and stress during tax season.

  2. Uncertain Financial Planning: Without a steady paycheck, freelancers often find it difficult to plan their finances, especially when it comes to saving for taxes, managing expenses, and planning for future growth.

  3. Time-Consuming Tax Management: Freelancers already wear many hats, and managing taxes is an additional burden that takes away from their productive work time.

  4. Inconsistent Income and Cash Flow: The fluctuating nature of freelance work makes it challenging to maintain consistent cash flow, which can lead to tax-related issues if not managed properly

Which is why we offer the following services:

  • FREE Resources:

    • We offer a wealth of free resources, including articles, guides, and templates that help freelancers get a handle on their tax obligations. These resources are designed to provide clear, straightforward advice on managing your taxes efficiently.

    Click to gain access to:

    Follow us on social media:

  • Click To Get Access For Just R599.00

    • Our comprehensive video series breaks down complex tax topics into easy-to-understand segments. From filing your taxes to understanding deductible expenses, these videos are a valuable resource for freelancers at any stage of their career.

  • Click To Book A Session For R1 200.00

    • We provide personalised consultations where our experts help you develop a tax and financial plan tailored to your unique situation. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned freelancer, our consultations will help you navigate your financial journey with confidence.

  • Sign Up Here For R5 500.00 per annum

    • Our popular annual subscription service offers complete peace of mind. It includes a done-for-you, complete tax compliance service. With this service, you can be sure that your taxes are always in order throughout the year and that all your tax submissions have been filed, allowing you to focus on growing your freelance business.

  • Freelancer-Centric Approach: We specialise in working with freelancers, so we understand the unique challenges you face and are equipped to provide solutions that work for you.

  • Accessible and Affordable: With a range of free resources and affordable subscription options, we ensure that every freelancer, regardless of their income level, has access to expert tax support.

  • Time-Saving Solutions: Our services are designed to save you time and reduce stress, so you can dedicate more energy to your creative or professional work.

  • The process was smooth and simple.


  • Tax Now Now have done it again. You have helped my nervous self so much. I'll see you next year for the next submission.


  • Your efficiency is out of this world. Thank you for your services.


  • We should've done this many moons ago.




We understand that no matter which industry you are in, as a freelancers, you often feel this way about tax…

  1. Overwhelming Compliance Stress: For many businesses, especially NPOs and NPCs, staying compliant with tax regulations feels like a never-ending maze. The anxiety of missing a deadline or misunderstanding a requirement can be overwhelming, leading to sleepless nights and constant worry about potential fines or legal repercussions.

  2. Confusion Over Tax Setups and Filings: Understanding how to set up and file taxes correctly can be confusing and frustrating. Many business owners feel lost in a sea of jargon, unsure of whether they’re making the right choices. The fear of making a costly mistake looms large, adding to the stress of running a business.

  3. Unpredictable Income and Cash Flow: The unpredictability of income, particularly for smaller businesses and freelancers, creates a constant sense of instability. Without a steady cash flow, planning for taxes and other financial obligations becomes a nerve-wracking task, often leaving business owners feeling uncertain and vulnerable.

  4. Fear of Falling Behind: As regulations change and grow more complex, there’s a deep fear of falling behind and not being able to catch up. Business owners often feel like they’re just one step away from a compliance disaster, which can make the entire process of managing finances feel daunting and unmanageable.

Which is why we offer the following services:

  • FREE Resources:

    • We offer a wealth of free resources, including articles, guides, and templates that help freelancers get a handle on their tax obligations. These resources are designed to provide clear, straightforward advice on managing your taxes efficiently.

    Click to gain access to:

    Follow us on social media:

  • Click To Book A Session For R1 200.00

    • We provide personalised consultations where our experts help you develop a tax and financial plan tailored to your unique situation. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned freelancer, our consultations will help you navigate your financial journey with confidence.

    • Our popular annual subscription service offers complete peace of mind. It includes a done-for-you, complete tax compliance service. With this service, you can be sure that your taxes are always in order throughout the year and that all your tax submissions have been filed, allowing you to focus on growing your freelance business.

    Sign Up Here From R4 500.00 per month


    • Our comprehensive video series breaks down complex tax topics into easy-to-understand segments. From filing your taxes to understanding deductible expenses, these videos are a valuable resource for freelancers at any stage of their career.

  • We Understand Your Struggles: We’re not just experts in tax and compliance; we understand the emotional toll these challenges can take on you. Our goal is to provide support that eases your burdens and gives you peace of mind.

  • Tailored Solutions for Your Needs: Whether you’re struggling with inconsistent income, confused about tax setups, or overwhelmed by compliance, we offer personalised solutions that address your unique challenges.

  • Reliable and Compassionate Support: We’re here for you, every step of the way. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate, reliable support that helps you feel secure in your business decisions.



We understand that no matter which industry you are in, as a freelancers, you often feel this way about tax…

  1. Stress Over Tax Compliance: Navigating tax regulations as an individual can feel overwhelming and intimidating. The constant worry of missing something crucial or making a mistake can lead to anxiety, especially as tax season approaches. The fear of penalties or audits only adds to this stress, making tax time a dreaded experience.

  2. Confusion Around Financial Planning: Many people feel lost when it comes to planning their finances. Whether it’s saving for retirement, managing debt, or understanding how to optimise their taxes, the sheer amount of information out there can be paralyzing. This confusion often leads to inaction, which can have long-term financial consequences.

  3. Uncertainty with Irregular Income: For those with irregular or freelance income, the unpredictability of earnings creates a constant undercurrent of anxiety. It’s hard to plan for the future when you’re unsure of how much money will be coming in from month to month. This uncertainty can make it difficult to save, invest, or even pay taxes on time.

  4. Fear of Financial Insecurity: Many individuals worry about their financial future, fearing that they aren’t doing enough to secure their well-being. Whether it’s not saving enough, not investing wisely, or simply not understanding their financial situation, this fear can be a constant source of stress.

Which is why we offer the following services:

  • FREE Resources:

    • We offer a wealth of free resources, including articles, guides, and templates that help freelancers get a handle on their tax obligations. These resources are designed to provide clear, straightforward advice on managing your taxes efficiently.

    Click to gain access to:

    Follow us on social media:

  • Click To Book A Session For R1 200.00

    • We provide personalised consultations where our experts help you develop a tax and financial plan tailored to your unique situation. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned freelancer, our consultations will help you navigate your financial journey with confidence.

  • Get Your Tax Returns Filed From Just R1 500

    • Take the stress out of tax compliance. We simplify the process, helping you understand your obligations and ensuring that your taxes are filed correctly and on time. With our help, you can eliminate the fear of penalties and audits, replacing it with confidence and peace of mind.


    • Our comprehensive video series breaks down complex tax topics into easy-to-understand segments. From filing your taxes to understanding deductible expenses, these videos are a valuable resource for freelancers at any stage of their career.

  • We Understand Your Struggles: We’re not just experts in tax and compliance; we understand the emotional toll these challenges can take on you. Our goal is to provide support that eases your burdens and gives you peace of mind.

  • Tailored Solutions for Your Needs: Whether you’re struggling with inconsistent income, confused about tax setups, or overwhelmed by compliance, we offer personalised solutions that address your unique challenges.

  • Reliable and Compassionate Support: We’re here for you, every step of the way. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate, reliable support that helps you feel secure in your business decisions.

Africa’s 1st AI Tax Consultant Your Personalised Chat Tax Consultant 

How Tash AI Helps You:

1. Determine if You Need to Submit Your Taxes: Understand whether you’re required to file, ensuring compliance with tax laws.

2. Know How Often to Submit: Get clear instructions on how frequently you need to file your taxes.

3. Identify Necessary Documents: Learn which documents you need to gather and submit for your tax return.

4. Register for the Right Tax Types: Discover which tax types you need to be registered for, avoiding any legal pitfalls.

Regulatory Bodies

Regulatory Bodies

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